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Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries


Motorcycles are one of the more popular ways to get around the Nashville area, and motorcyclists have as much of a right to be on the road as other drivers in larger cars and trucks.

Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents are growing in number almost annually, and as a result, more victims are suffering devastating injuries. The risk of severe injuries for motorcyclists is much higher than for other motorists on the road due to the exposed nature of the vehicle, with little protection from the environment.

Common motorcycle accident injuries causes include speeding, alcohol use, distracted driving, failure to pay attention, and road conditions. These collisions can result in minor injuries or even life-threatening injuries.

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, our team of personal injury attorneys at Mitch Grissim & Associates is here to advocate for your claims. Call or contact the office today to schedule a free case evaluation where we can answer any questions you may have.

Common injuries that can occur in motorcycle accidents should always be treated with the necessary medical care after the incident.

Most Common Injuries in Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle crashes can result in various types of physical damage, from non-fatal motorcycle injuries like cuts and bruises to more severe injuries that could require surgery or lead to permanent disability. In some cases, even death can occur. While older riders are at a greater risk of damaging internal organs or needing physical therapy after an accident than every other age group, all motorcyclists could experience accident injuries that require medical attention.

Here are a few of the most common motorcycle accident injuries.

Head Injuries & Facial Trauma

Some of the most common injuries seen in a motorcycle accident are head and facial injuries, even when a motorcyclist and their passenger are wearing safety helmets. These can occur when other vehicles, the roadway, or a stationary object near the crash, like a utility pole or tree, strike a motorcyclist’s head or face.

Head injuries may encompass skull fractures, traumatic brain injuries, fractured jaw, missing teeth, a broken nose, and lacerations to the face. Remember, facial trauma can be extremely dangerous for your long-term health and is a standard motorcycle injury, so if you think your head has been injured in an accident, seek immediate medical attention.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are also common, primarily if the motorcyclist is crushed or thrown from their motorcycle. A spinal cord injury occurs when the spinal cord inside the vertebrae of the back is crushed or severed. It can lead to paralysis below the point of injury in addition to other complications.

Due to the lack of protection on a motorcycle, severe injuries sustained by the spine are among the most dangerous for motorcycle riders.

Broken Bones

Bone fractures are also frequent injuries that occur in a motorcycle accident. Broken bones often happen because of the lack of protection that a motorcyclist has from the impact. The force of the crash is enough to cause broken bones in the head, face, neck, arms, shoulders, and legs.

Depending on the type of injury, medical treatment can range from a simple cast that requires metal pins and plates to set the bones to multiple surgeries and even limb amputations.

Lacerations and Road Rash

Lacerations and road rash are also common in motorcycle accidents, even when a motorcyclist is wearing the proper gear for riding. Lacerations are another word for cuts that can happen in an accident, sometimes resulting in permanent scarring if severe enough.

Motorcycle lacerations are often caused by shattered glass or broken parts of the vehicle. A road rash is a friction burn that causes painful skin abrasions when the skin scrapes across the roadway after a crash. Know that road rash must be treated immediately after an accident to avoid chronic pain and severe infections.

Internal Injuries

Many motorcycle accidents routinely cause damage to internal organs that may not be immediately noticeable after a crash. It could take the form of thoracic injuries from blunt force trauma, muscle injuries, soft tissue injuries, abdominal injuries, spinal injuries, nerve damage, or other traumatic damage. These injuries can potentially be deadly if not treated right away by medical professionals.

Traumatic Brain Injury

Even in a minor collision, suffering from traumatic brain injuries that you are unaware of is possible. A concussion or other brain damage that is ignored could lead to horrific consequences in the future, so ask for a specialist to conduct a check.

Internal Bleeding

Another injury that can go unnoticed is internal bleeding. Though you may not feel its effects right after the accident, the long-term consequences could be devastating if untreated.

Damaged Organs

Motorcycle accident injuries that occur within the body may involve punctured, crushed, or ruptured organs. Surgery or other severe medical treatment is often required for internal injuries after a motorcycle accident, so do not neglect a check-up.

Protecting Yourself on a Motorcycle

Though you are exposed as a rider, there are a few ways to look out for your health.

First, wear the appropriate protective gear at all times. Leather clothing, helmets, and protective boots could save your life in the event of a crash, so never leave them at home, no matter how short your trip.

The health of your bike is also essential. If it has mechanical issues, you can either bring it into a shop or file NHTSA reports, which allow you to report potential safety issues with your vehicle.

Additionally, practice defensive driving. While you may be a safe rider, you cannot control other drivers’ actions. The best way to prevent motorcycle accident injuries is to be incredibly attentive to what other motorists are doing. Check your mirrors constantly and keep your head on a swivel to be aware of your surroundings at all times. Defensive driving could prevent traumatic motorcycle accident injuries if it gives you even one extra second to react to a situation.

Motorcycle Accidents Create Injured Victims

Unfortunately, other drivers will unfairly blame many motorcyclists involved in collisions. Riders are often seen as more reckless or dangerous due to their portrayal in cultural media such as movies and television. For that reason, an accident could be 100% the fault of other vehicles, but their drivers could still find a way to blame motorcycle riders.

This tension creates a scenario where accident victims could experience injuries from the motorcycle crash, damage to their bike, and blame for the collision that is unjustified.

The truth is that, in many cases, other drivers are at fault for the collision. They may have been distracted, not paying enough attention, or failed to check their blind spots before switching lanes.

When you contact our team after a motorcycle accident, we offer a free consultation to discuss your case and determine whether you could file a claim and win compensation.

What Can Motorcycle Accident Victims Do?

There is a solution for those injured in a motorcycle accident to earn justice when hit by a passenger vehicle or other automobile. Whether the victim suffered lower extremity injuries, upper extremity injuries, or anything in between, their best chance may be to file a claim.

Filing a claim with a motorcycle accident attorney is what injury victims can do to pursue fair compensation for damages that resulted from an incident that was someone else’s fault. It allows them to recoup any financial losses or emotional trauma that occurred as a result of the motorcycle accident.

These damages can include medical expenses such as a trip to the emergency room to treat accident wounds, lost wages due to an inability to work, family member pain and suffering, or other types of losses.

Filing a claim allows you to win a settlement to help you get back to everyday life without suffering under the burden of financial ruin from the accident.

Are you still confused about why you would want to file a claim after experiencing motorcycle accident injuries? We offer a free consultation to discuss your case with you, so reach out to us now.

Call or Contact Our Office Today

Have you or a loved one sustained motorcycle accident injuries? If so, you need the experienced Nashville motorcycle accident attorneys at Mitch Grissim & Associates to advocate for your claims. We understand your rights under Tennessee law, and we also know how difficult it can be to recover from traumatic brain injury, leg injuries, facial injuries, spinal cord injuries, neck injuries, or other injuries while dealing with the financial ramifications that you are experiencing.

Our top priority is cherishing the attorney-client relationship, which means protecting your confidential or sensitive information, advocating for your rights, and doing whatever it takes to win on your behalf, even if it requires negotiations with your insurance company. We want to help you recover any lost wages or medical expenses due to specific injuries to get you back on your feet.

Call the office or contact us to schedule a free consultation on your case today. Alternatively, you can use our contact form on our website to send us information promptly.

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