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Why You Need a Personal Injury Attorney When You Speak with Insurers


The hours, days, and weeks after an accident can be a painful, stressful, and confusing time for personal injury victims. It can be difficult to know who to talk to or what to do after an accident. Oftentimes, the insurance companies involved will start asking for statements and information shortly after an accident, but they do not always have your best interests at heart. You should always have an experienced personal injury attorney by your side when speaking to insurers in order to defend your interests and protect your claim for compensation. At Mitch Grissim & Associates in Nashville, our team of knowledgeable attorneys are prepared to represent you after an accident. Call or contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Settling as Quickly and Cheaply As Possible

Insurance companies, even your own, are not there to help you get maximum compensation after an accident. Their goal is to settle the claim as quickly, and as cheaply, as possible for their company. Insurance adjusters will attempt to do this in a number of different ways. One common tactic is to offer a settlement to injury victims immediately after the accident. While it may seem like a good deal, these offers are almost always far less than the true value of the claim, and ultimately it can cause a significant financial burden for victims when the settlement is not enough to cover their costs after an accident.

Another common strategy is to request a statement from the victim immediately after an accident. The insurer is hoping that the victim will make a statement on their own and say something that is not in their own best interest. As a modified comparative fault state, Tennessee denies compensation to any injury victim that is found more than fifty percent at fault or more for an accident. Insurance companies will claim that the victim is at fault for their own injuries, and without an experienced attorney it can result in victims being barred from collecting any compensation for their claim.

How a Lawyer Can Help

When you hire an experienced personal injury attorney, they will protect your rights and defend against any claims made by the insurers. The insurance companies are legally obligated to send all communication to your lawyer, including all requests for statements, settlement offers, and related communication about the accident. An attorney can be present when giving a statement about the accident to ensure that you do not accidentally say anything that may harm your case. An attorney understands the true value of your claim and will not settle for anything less than full and fair compensation. And if the insurers refuse to settle for a reasonable amount, an experienced attorney can take your case to trial.

Call or Contact Our Office Now

If you would like to speak with a knowledgeable Nashville personal injury attorney about your case, call the office or contact us today at Mitch Grissim & Associates to schedule a free consultation.

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