What to Expect after an Amputation Injury

Around 1.8 million people across the United States live with an amputation, and thousands of amputations occur each year due to accidents and injury. An injury that is catastrophic enough to cause or require amputation is often one of the most traumatic experiences of a person’s life, and it is important to know what to expect after an injury. Amputation injury victims deserve to be compensated for their loss, and the experienced Nashville personal injury attorneys at Mitch Grissim & Associates are here to help. Call the office or contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn more.
The Amputation Procedure
Regardless of whether it occurs traumatically in an accident or is determined as necessary by medical professionals after an accident, an amputation requires surgery and a lengthy hospital stay. Typically, amputations require between five and fourteen days in the hospital for the procedure and follow up care. Typically, the procedure is done with general or spinal anesthesia, and during the surgery the doctor will remove all damaged tissue while leaving as much healthy tissue as possible. This process includes removing damaged tissue and bone, smoothing uneven areas of bone, sealing off blood vessels and nerves, and shaping the end of the limb so that it can have an artificial limb attached.
Amputation Recovery
The length of recovery time after an amputation is typically between four and eight weeks. The hospital staff will teach the victim how to change the dressing on the wound and monitor healing. If there is physical or mental trauma after the amputation, the doctor may prescribe additional treatment and care. Physical therapy begins soon after surgery, and an artificial limb can be fitted as soon as ten to fourteen days.
Long-term rehabilitation is also necessary, which can include exercises to improve muscle strength and control, training to relearn how to complete daily living activities, and emotional support like psychological counseling to deal with the trauma of a lost limb. Hospitalization, surgery, recovery, and rehabilitation are all extremely costly after an accident, which is why amputation victims need a knowledgeable personal injury attorney advocating for their legal claims while they focus on recovery.
Compensation for Amputation Injuries
Amputation injury victims are entitled to recover all out of pocket expenses incurred as a result of the accident. This includes all medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and loss of future income and benefits. Medical expenses include all hospitalization, surgery, treatment, medication, recovery, rehabilitation, counseling, medical devices, and any other medical costs related to the injury. Victims are also entitled to collect compensation for their pain and suffering, emotional distress, disability, disfigurement, and for the loss of enjoyment of life. Our office is prepared to fight for the maximum compensation you are owed after an amputation injury.
Talk to Our Office Today
Are you interested in seeking a legal claim after an amputation accident? If so, call or contact the experienced attorneys at Mitch Grissim & Associates today to schedule a free consultation of your case.