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Nashville Personal Injury Lawyer > Smyrna Truck Accident Lawyer

Smyrna Truck Accident Lawyer

All motor vehicle accidents are terrifying and stressful, but a truck accident can result in life-altering injuries, severe property damage, and death.

Truck accident victims require top-notch legal representation to defend themselves against trucking companies, insurance agents, and other drivers. That’s why so many turn to the Smyrna truck accident lawyers at Mitch Grissim & Associates, widely regarded as the best personal injury legal team in Smyrna, TN. We are a BBB Accredited Business with an A+ rating, meaning you will receive world-class service.

If you have been injured in a truck accident due to someone else’s negligence, we’ll fight for your legal rights. 

Contact us at 615-255-9999 or via our contact form to learn about how we have helped thousands of Volunteer State accident victims collect compensation for truck accident claims.   

Common Types of Truck Accidents in Smyrna

Due to their weight and size, commercial vehicles can cause serious injury to others on the road. Unfortunately, truck accidents are not rare, and Rutherford County saw a shocking 640 accidents involving large trucks in 2023 [1].

There are numerous different types of accidents, typically based on the mechanics of the collision and the role of the truck driver in causing the accident.


Trucks may slam into the rear of another vehicle, hit them head-on by passing the yellow line, or sideswipe them when drifting into another lane. Improper lane change and lane departure were the top two reasons for large truck crashes in Rutherford County in 2023 [2]. 

Rollover Accidents

A truck is incredibly heavy, and this makes it very vulnerable to rollovers. This type of accident may occur when truck drivers improperly load their cargo, or it may be due to adverse weather conditions like high winds or slick roads.

Wide Turn Crash

Truck drivers do not always take reasonable care to check their blind spots before beginning a wide turn at an intersection, with 22% of truck accidents in Rutherford County happening at intersections in 2023 [3]. In other instances, another driver may fail to notice that the truck is turning and slam into its side.

Cargo Loss Injuries

There are strict regulations and insurance requirements about how cargo should be tied down to avoid an accident. Still, it’s not unheard of for drivers of commercial vehicles to rush through their checks and fail to tie everything down.

Given that this cargo could weigh hundreds of pounds, injury victims may be seriously injured or die if something gets loose and slams into their car.


Despite strict traffic laws on drinking and driving, residents of the Nashville, Tennessee, metropolitan area get their fair share of DUIs  — and, tragically, that includes truckers. 

Dangerous as any drunk driver is, inebriated truckers are an even greater liability, and they have left many loved ones mourning the loss of a family member after a fatal accident.

Driver Fatigue

Federal regulations demand that truck drivers be given adequate rest breaks, but companies do not always have the best interests of their employees at heart.

Trucking companies may pressure a truck driver to ignore the rules in order to deliver cargo sooner and this results in heartbreak for our clients. We will ensure that these negligent companies are held responsible for their dangerous business practices. 

Most Common Truck Accident Injuries

In 2023, the Tennessee Highway Patrol reported at least 16 large truck crashes with suspected serious injuries in Rutherford County [4]. Here are some of the most common consequences our law firm has recovered compensation for:

  • Spinal cord injuries The extreme physics involved can wrench your spine out of alignment, causing trouble coordinating.
  • Back issues – Even if your spine has not been damaged, you may have soft tissue damage or hernias due to the pressure.
  • Neck misalignment – Neck problems can cause headaches, pain, dizziness, and vertigo.
  • Amputation – Crush injuries may happen as a result of the car being smashed by the truck, pinning your arm or leg under hundreds of pounds of steel.
  • Concussions – Even a mild concussion can lead to post-concussive syndrome, resulting in cognitive difficulties, brain fog, mood swings, and fatigue.
  • Traumatic brain injuries  – A TBI is an incredibly severe form of brain damage that can make it difficult to hold down employment, causing large medical bills, lost wages, and lost income potential. 
  • Paralysis – Partial or total paralysis is not uncommon after a truck accident and can result in life-altering suffering.
  • Broken bones – It’s common for victims to put their hands up and brace themselves against the dashboard upon impact, resulting in fractured forearms or fingers. 
  • Chest injuries – Pressurized airbags are meant to save your life, but they can also crack your ribs or sternum. Flying debris may also hit you in the chest, leading to further complications.
  • Internal bleeding – Rarely diagnosed at the time of the accident, internal bleeding can lead to life-threatening complications, making it essential that you be thoroughly checked over by a professional after a truck accident.
  • Burns – The high velocity of a truck accident may cause your car to burst into flames, especially if the truck has flammable cargo.
  • Death – Unfortunately, due to the trucks’ size, death is not an uncommon consequence of truck accidents. According to the Tennessee Highway Patrol, there were ten fatal large truck crashes in Rutherford County in 2023 alone [5].

Steps to Take Following a Truck Accident

As soon as you have been in a truck accident, call 911 and get to a safe place. Never leave the accident scene until the police arrive and begin their truck accident investigation. Get the names of everyone present, including the truck driver and any witnesses. 

Take photos of the accident and your own condition as evidence, which can be used in the full investigation. You, and any passengers, should give accurate and factual witness statements to the responding officer, either at the scene or at the hospital. 

You should always go to the hospital and be cleared, then briefly notify your insurance company. After that, call our personal injury lawyers to discuss your case. Don’t speak to any adjusters without your attorney present, as they will try to get you to admit fault. 

Keep records of all communications, including doctor’s reports. These will be helpful as we start to build our case. 

Time Limit for a Truck Accident Claim

The relevant statutes of limitations for a truck accident are just one year, meaning that you have very little time to make a claim. 

As such, call our attorneys as soon as possible so that we can begin the investigation process and, if necessary, file a lawsuit. 

Compensation You Might Be Entitled To

Our law firm works hard to secure you comprehensive compensation for a truck accident claim, which can include a variety of different damages. Common types of damages in a Smyrna truck accident include:

  • Lost wages
  • Medical bills
  • Property damage
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Pain and suffering
  • Future medical needs
  • Prescriptions 
  • Assistive technologies
  • Property replacement
  • Car repair and replacement
  • Funeral costs
  • Wrongful death

Reach Out to a Trusted Smyrna Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck accidents are devastating, and victims deserve justice. Our Smyrna, Tennessee, personal injury lawyers work hard to hold at-fault truck drivers accountable for failing to follow the rules of the road. Our team also helps clients get justice when they have been the victims of trucking companies who skirt federal mandates in order to make a few extra bucks.

When you work with Mitch Grissim & Associates, you have access to a world-class legal team on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you owe us nothing unless we are able to get you a settlement, and then you pay us a pre-agreed percentage. This offers peace of mind and allows you to focus on your healing instead of legal fees.

Get in touch with us at 615-255-9999 or contact us online to begin the truck accident claim process in Smyrna, Tennessee. We look forward to helping you on your journey to justice.

Resources: [1], [2], [3], [3], [5] Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security

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