How To Prevent Accidents In Your Kitchen This Holiday

Now that the holidays are approaching, you may be planning a big party with friends and family to celebrate. And we know what that means: everyone gathers around the food. The kitchen is the heart of the home, where families and friends gather for any occasion, and it’s no secret that your cooking is the main event whenever you host a party.
However, especially when there are guests involved, the kitchen can be a dangerous place where an accident is just waiting to happen. Taking every precaution possible is the best way to prevent accidents from happening and make sure you never find yourself in that situation. Here are the best tips for keeping your kitchen safe and happy this holiday season.
Prevent People from Slipping and Falling
Slip and fall accidents can have some of the most harmful effects, which is especially unfortunate when you consider how easy they are to avoid. Your kitchen may be crowded with people, but be sure to always keep abreast of the situation at hand.
As soon as someone spills liquid, wipe it up. Check the floor often to make sure that it’s dry and free of unnecessary clutter. If you have a family pet that likes to dart in and around guests in the kitchen, it may be best to keep them elsewhere for the time being, too.
Storing Sharp Objects
Knives are dangerous—you don’t need to be told that! But keeping them out of a child’s reach isn’t always enough. Out of sight, out of mind is a good rule of thumb when it comes to things that could easily be used as a weapon, however unintentionally. Keep your collection away from tiny hands in either a wooden block or a designated drawer.
Also, prevent burns by keeping plenty of potholders nearby at all times. Nothing ruins the mood like a quick trip to the ER! And you may not think about this, but keep pan and pot handles turned away from the stove. Children are less likely to try and grab them and adults are less likely to bump into them on accident this way.
Prevent Bacteria from Spreading
Food contamination is a big no-no on any given day, but at your holiday get together in particular. Avoid cross-contamination by storing raw meats separately from other food items. Don’t let things that are want to spoil sit out on the counter for too long. Finally, staying diligent about regularly washing your hands is an easy way to prevent bacteria from spreading.
Prevent Kitchen Fires
Finally, a fire is an easy thing to avoid in a kitchen—but it can also easily happen. Avoid one in the first place by keeping hair tied back and not wearing loose clothing. In case you do have one, be sure to have an extinguisher on hand and be aware of how to use it. It’s helpful to teach other members of your family how to use it, too, in the event of an emergency when you’re not around.
Find a Nashville Personal Injury Lawyer
Sometimes accidents are unavoidable. But when you’re hurt by someone else’s negligence, you need someone to fight for you. If you’ve experienced a car accident or suffered a slip and fall this holiday, be sure to get in touch with Mitch Grissim & Associates. Our Nashville personal injury lawyers can help.