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Long-Term Effects Of Amputation Injuries


An amputation injury is one of the most traumatic harms inflicted upon an accident victim and can seriously impact a person for the rest of their life. In addition to lengthy hospital stays, surgeries, and other treatment immediately after the accident, there are also many long-term effects of amputation injuries that must be considered when contemplating a personal injury claim. At Mitch Grissim & Associates, our dedicated personal injury lawyers understand how the short- and long-term effects of an amputation may impact a person’s life and will zealously advocate for the compensation you deserve after an accident. To learn more, call or contact our office today.

Physical Long-Term Effects

Once a victim is out of the hospital following an amputation injury, there are still many long-term physical effects that they must deal with in the weeks, months, and years ahead. Some of the most common physical issues include the following:


If the skin on the stump of an amputation breaks down, it can open a wound and increase the chances of infection. It can prevent the full use of the limb, affect blood circulation, cause blood clots, and may ultimately result in more surgery in order to address the issue.

Mobility or dexterity issues

Mobility and dexterity refer to a person’s ability to use their limbs in certain ways. Mobility refers to a person’s ability to walk, balance, and move around. Dexterity refers to a person’s ability to grab, hold, squeeze, write, and perform other tasks with their hands. Depending on the location of the amputation, mobility or dexterity can be affected resulting in falls, collisions, and limited ability to perform certain tasks.

Stump or phantom limb pain

Another long-term physical effect of amputation is stump or phantom limb pain. Stump pain refers to pain at the stump caused by damaged nerve endings. Phantom limb pain is a sensation that the victim “feels” their missing limb and occurs in up to eighty percent of amputation victims. Stump and phantom limb pain can feel like short bursts of pain, burning sensation, or more extreme consistent pain.

Emotional Long-Term Effects

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Amputation often results in post-traumatic stress disorder for injury victims, particularly if the amputation was traumatic in nature. Long-term psychological effects can include flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, depression, insomnia, angry outbursts, and avoidance.

Body image issues

Body image issues are another long-term emotional impact of amputation. Many victims have difficulty adjusting to their new body image, become self-conscious of how they look, or diminish their own self-worth because of how they look.

Social impacts

Amputation can also impact a victim’s ability to take part in social activities they did prior to the accident. Social withdrawal can lead to isolation, affect relationships, and other damaging emotional problems.

Call or Contact Us Now

Have you or a loved one suffered an amputation injury? If so, the experienced Nashville personal injury lawyers at Mitch Grissim & Associates are here to help. Call the office or contact us today to schedule a free evaluation of your case with one of our attorneys now.


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