Searching for a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer in Nashville? Advice for Residents

Nursing home abuse is an unfortunate common theme in many assisted care facilities across the United States. Even in Nashville, this type of abuse is a problem that should not be ignored.
If you or someone you love has suffered from nursing home abuse or elder neglect, there are legal resources available to you that you should know about.
Many families experience the pain and suffering of having to admit their elderly loved one into a nursing home simply because they cannot give them adequate care on their own, or their loved one can no longer care for themselves properly or safely. But when abuse occurs at the facility that you’ve entrusted with the care of your loved one, this can be devastating.
Often it’s in the best interest of the patient to have them admitted to a nursing home. But unfortunately, neglect does occur from time to time, though this should never be tolerated. As such, seeking legal advice is your best step forward.
If you’re searching for a lawyer who deals with cases of institutional abuse and medical malpractice, the Nashville nursing home abuse attorneys at Mitch Grissim & Associates can help.
Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
If you or a loved one have suffered abuse, it can be a difficult process to seek legal help. But if your loved one is a resident of a nursing home and you suspect abuse, you should know the common signs of abuse.
Nursing home abuse can include both physical abuse and mental abuse. And in the worst-case scenarios, this can also include sexual abuse which can have both physical and mental consequences.
Some of the most common signs of abuse at nursing homes are as follows:
- Pressure sores
- Open bed sores
- Frequent bruising
- Signs of overmedication
- Fear of a staff member
- Anxiety and stress
Though the signs of abuse at nursing homes will vary, abuse or neglect should never be tolerated. And nursing home abuse lawyers can help you to file a claim for medical malpractice or personal injury.
What to do When You Notice Signs of Abuse or Neglect
The first thing you’ll want to do if you begin noticing the signs of neglect or abuse at the hands of nursing home staff members is to notify the management of the institution immediately. Additionally, you may also alert the correct personnel, and explain to them that you’ll be contacting the authorities.
If after reporting the abuse to management and the authorities the abuse has not stopped, it’s time to take legal action.
If a family member is the victim of abuse or neglect, they have a right to be treated fairly and to receive fair compensation.
Contacting a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney
If your family member is in a Tennessee nursing home, our personal injury and medical malpractice lawyers can help you with your case. And these services aren’t only limited to the city limits of Nashville TN.
For example, no matter which county you reside in, your legal options can be handled by attorneys licensed who operate in Tennessee. This includes Davidson county, Dickinson county, Maury county, Montgomery county, Rutherford county, Spring Hill, Sumner county, Wilson County, Williamson County, or anywhere in Tennessee no matter if attorneys are located in a Nashville office
At the end of the day, Nashville attorneys can help any Tennessee nursing home victim, regardless of residence.
The Legal Process
If you contact a law firm to file a nursing home lawsuit, all nursing home patients who have suffered physical pain or serious injury at the hands of a nursing home staff member are eligible to receive compensation.
If your loved one has suffered from abuse, you should seek out a free consultation. And you should also note that your confidential or sensitive information is bound by the attorney-client privilege, an integral part of your attorney-client relationship.
A nursing home lawsuit can be filed by nursing home residents, or by any close friend or family member who regularly checks in on the patient. And as all nursing home residents should have access to proper care, your nursing home abuse attorney will see to it that any medical expenses incurred due to abuse are taken care of.
Once you’ve initiated the process and your nursing home abuse lawyer takes your case, documents and reports will be analyzed, and a medical doctor might be asked to examine the resident for signs of abuse.
Keeping Your Loved One Safe
When you know that your elderly loved one has suffered from nursing home abuse, you want to be able to keep them safe in the future. And you’ll have plenty of options to consider.
First, if you must seek out another nursing home for care, you’ll need to properly vet the institution and the staff members. Ask to do personal interviews, talk to other long-term residents, or look up reviews on the nursing home prior to admitting your loved one into long-term care.
Additionally, you may ask that your family physician see your loved one from time to time just to ensure that no signs of abuse are evident. While signs of types of abuse like sexual abuse tend to be pretty easy to spot, others are a little more subtle, and it doesn’t hurt to have a professional check-up on your older adult.
Above all, if you have a senior citizen resident of a nursing home that you’re concerned about, check in on them as frequently as possible. This will hopefully deter any of the facility’s staff from engaging in abuse toward your loved one.
No matter what, as soon as you notice the first sign of abuse, it’s up to you to follow up with management and file a report as soon as possible.
Going Forward
We never know how our lives are going to end up once we reach old age. And though some of us may maintain our health and be able to age in place, in the comfort of our homes, many will need special care.
If you or a loved one requires the care of a nursing home facility, properly researching the facility is a proactive approach to reducing the possibility of nursing home abuse in the future. Our team is here to help you through the legal process.